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Is Your Company Culture Just Lip Service? [Infographic]

Is Your Company Culture Just Lip Service? [Infographic]
Is Your Company Culture Just Lip Service? [Infographic]

Is Your Company Culture Just Lip Service [Infographic]

We've all seen those motivational posters plastered on office walls"Integrity!" "Teamwork!" "Innovation!"—but are those just empty words, or does your company truly live its core values?

Companies often fall into the trap of talking the talk but fail to walk the walk regarding culture. They espouse lofty principles in recruitment materials and town halls but then turn a blind eye when bad behaviors inevitably contradict those ideals.

At Up Your Culture, we believe real culture change starts with aligning your "why" (your purpose), "how" (your way of operating), and "where" (your workspace) around a unified Shared Mission. It's about more than just slogansit requires intentionality and commitment at every level.

Take a look at this infographic pulled from our Engage 2024: The Company Culture Report. The data clearly shows that employees feel that the core values posted on the wall are not happening in the halls.

Is Whats Posted on the Wall, Happening in the Hall

Are You Living Out Your Core Values?

What does this data mean, and what can managers do? You'll find all the answers in the Engage 2024: The Company Culture Report.

At the end of the day, culture isn't about gimmicks or what's posted on the wall. It's about steadfastly aligning your purpose, behaviors, and environment. It's the hard work of changing mindsets and habits.

However, companies that commit to living their culture inspiration every day will be rewarded with an engaged workforce that actually embodies those motivational posters.

What's your culture inspiration? Start aligning your "why," "how," and "where" today!

Now Available! ENGAGE 2024: The Company Culture Report

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Beth Sunshine
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