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Culture Over Coffee – The Value of Shared Mission, Core Values, and Purpose Statements with Maryann Balbo

Culture Over Coffee – The Value of Shared Mission, Core Values, and Purpose Statements with Maryann Balbo
Culture Over Coffee – The Value of Shared Mission, Core Values, and Purpose Statements with Maryann Balbo

CoC_Ep2_ Maryann

In this episode of Culture Over Coffee, we begin our season-long journey through each of the Four Engagement Elevators. We hop on Elevator number 1: Shared Mission. This is the clear vision that everyone in a group believes in and can easily articulate. It's the beacon that all eyes are on as the group makes their way on their journey together.  

And who better to discuss the importance of Shared Mission than Group Vice President at Cox Media, Maryann Balbo?   

Maryann provides so many great insights, such as:  

  • How a company culture isn’t simply an “add-on”; it’s the heart of who you are.  
  • Why organizations without a Shared Mission often result in employees toiling away in their own silos.
  • And how every leader must be intentional about the company culture they wish to see flourish among their team.

Culture is Your Company’s Competitive Advantage 

Now Available! ENGAGE 2023: The Company Culture ReportWhen asked why she thinks company culture is important to focus on, Maryann cuts to the chase. She says, “Culture is the company's competitive advantage in the marketplace from driving business as well as retaining and attracting talent.” 

“It's good for business; it's good business.” 

Maryann also makes sure to point out that a company’s culture plays a major role not only in bringing in customers but also top talent.  

“And your customers see the culture, they feel it. And your, your employees are attracted to that, the right employees....that helps you to have success in your space.” 

“So I don't see it as an add-on or something to consider. I think of it as the heart of who you are as an organization. It is your brand, it is what you bring to the table, and it's what differentiates yourself from your competitors.” 

Employees Without a Clear Shared Mission End Up Working in Silos 

Citing results from ENGAGE 2022: The Company Culture Report, Beth shares that “31% of the survey respondents said that they have a clear purpose statement that they could articulate with someone else.” 

Maryann emphasizes the necessity of a Shared Mission for any company’s sustained success. 

“Shared Mission is your North Star. It's your common purpose. It's your common theme. It's your common goal. It's what you're all working towards together,” she says. “We all have different roles that determine how to get there. So, if we don't know where we're going, how do we know how we are contributing as individuals?” 

And companies without clearly expressed shared missions? Maryann warns that employees often end up collaborating with colleagues less and less. 

“...a lot of times when I see organizations that aren't quite clear on what their mission is, then you see these silos within the organization because they don't understand how they're all working together.” 

“They only have the blinders on like, ‘this is what I do well,’ how does that contribute to the larger good? Right? And if you don't have that mission as the North Star, it's very difficult to be able to have success where they do meet up.” 

Engagement Elevator: Shared Mission

A Company’s Core Values Attract the Right People 

“Values are so important because you really need to set the expectations of what, what is allowed, what is encouraged, and what is not allowed,” Maryann says. 

“And if your core values don't align with the organization, you're not going to be happy, and the organization's not going to be happy.” 

In addition to expressing the importance of core values, Maryann includes how Cox Media’s core values guide her hiring efforts. 

“So, if you want to bring out the best in your people, if you want to attract the right people that are aligned with your values, you have to be very clear about what those values are.” 

“In fact, one thing that I like to do in the interview process is share what our values are upfront. And I like to hear what people have to say about those values. Because I want to make sure that I'm really clear like, ‘This is the way we do business here. And, if that is not aligned with yours, that's okay. I'm not judging, but then it probably isn't going to be a good fit."

Why Core Values Matter

Leaders Need to Live Their Company’s Values and Mission Every Day 

“At the end of the day, people hear and see what you truly mean by your actions.” 

According to Maryann, the success or failure of a company’s values taking root in every employee begins with leaders. And a huge part of that responsibility lies in being fully transparent with your team, even when it might not be easy.  

“As a leader, you have a different responsibility on your shoulders...you really have to be intentional about living your values every day and setting an example and being a role model.” 

 “And when you make a mistake...and we have a misstep, you need to acknowledge it and be transparent about it to your team and say, ‘you know what? I screwed up that didn't align with our values, and I know better, I messed up, and I apologize. It won't happen again.’” 

“Just be, be upfront about it because if you try to hide it? Forget the 10 times you did it right.” 

“The one time you did it wrong is all everybody will remember.” 

In the end, every single person in an organization plays an integral role in fostering their company culture.“Everybody has ownership in shared mission, in our values, in our purpose. We all are moving this ship together.” 

LISTEN NOW: The Culture over Coffee Podcast with Beth Sunshine

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Brent Tripp
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