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Ten Questions That Should Be Included on Every Employee Engagement Survey

Ten Questions That Should Be Included on Every Employee Engagement Survey
Ten Questions That Should Be Included on Every Employee Engagement Survey

Ten Questions That Should Be Included on Every Employee Engagement Survey

Understanding the climate of your company culture is a great place to embark on your cultural journey. One way to begin exploring this opportunity is with an anonymous employee engagement survey. The best path to uncover how people are feeling is to ask those who can provide you with their thoughts and insight. This takes the guesswork out for you.

Although there are many more questions that help uncover the current engagement levels of people who work in your company, there are a few questions that can provide great content for you to explore further.

Here are 10 questions to help get you started.

culture self-inventory checklist1. Do you see yourself still working here in 2 years’ time?

This is a powerful question. It allows you to see if people feel they belong and can see a long-term relationship with your company. You should think about the tools you have in place for people to want to stay over the next 2 years. This could include training and development opportunities and the ability to use their talents in the job.

2. Would you recommend our company as a great place to work?

Think about the power of this question. Is your business a place where people are excited to come to work on Monday? Feeling a sense of purpose and belonging is vital to employee engagement. If they look forward to Monday, they are sharing that with others.

3. Are you proud to work here?

Having a sense of pride in where you work is powerful. It is like wearing a badge of honor, and you tend to share that with others. Taking pride in the company and the work done within the walls creates a common purpose and an ability to feel you are making a difference.

4. Do you sometimes think about looking for a job at another company?

It's normal for people to look for opportunities for growth, but if they can grow within your business, there is no need to look at other companies. Consider what you are currently doing to ensure your people want to stay.

5. Are you motivated to go beyond what you would in a similar role elsewhere?

Walking in the door, ready to take on the world, is a great feeling. If someone is motivated to accomplish amazing things and can share their thoughts and ideas knowing their input is valued, think of all the possibilities of growth you will see. We know that when an employee is engaged, you will see three hard measures of success:

6. Do you feel the leaders here have communicated a vision that motivates you?

People on a journey want a clear picture of what their destination looks like; they like to know where they are headed. Knowing the company vision and the detailed road map of that vision provides people with a strong sense of purpose. It is important not just to share your vision but to ask how it motivates them. If someone is motivated by what is ahead, they are more willing to roll their sleeves up and join in to make it happen.

7. Do you receive appropriate recognition for good work here?

People need validation. They need to know they are heard, seen, and that they matter to you. No one wants to feel like a cog in the wheel. Take time to uncover what success looks like for each of your employees and think of ways you can help them achieve their goals. It will be vital that you cheer them along the way and provide positive feedback  that allows them to see that you noticed their efforts.

8. Is there an open and honest two-way communication here?

To create loyalty with an employee, they need to feel valued, which means they need information to flow both ways. Being open to listening to the thoughts of others is also important. There aren’t too many people that enjoy being told what to do all the time. Being able to have the ability to provide input or thoughts to a conversation feels less confining. It is vital that people feel your intentions are genuine and that you are providing information they may find valuable. Remember to value their voice.

9. Do other departments collaborate well to get the job done?

When siloes are broken down, and teams work together across departments, great things begin to happen. Think about the opportunities that would occur for greater efficiency and the ability to uncover roadblocks that slow processes that could lead to stronger performance. Working as a unified team, allows people to see the perspectives of others and offers alternative thinking, leading to better ideas and growth.

10. Open-ended: What would you like to share about our company culture?

It's always important to let people communicate their thoughts and concerns in an anonymous way. If they feel they can share without retaliation, you may uncover areas of concern you may not have been aware of or didn’t think to ask about. If someone takes the time to share their thoughts, look at that as a great opportunity and be thankful they shared this with you. Having a heads-up is always better than a surprise.

Take Action

Conducting an employee engagement survey is just the first step to showing that your culture matters. But to move the needle on employee engagement, you must take ACTION on what you uncovered. When action takes place, people feel that their voice was heard and that you listened.

Actively uncover if your team is engaged in their job. When they are, they will activate their talents, and their performance will improve. Remember, your people are the key to your success, and ensuring they are engaged should be your top priority.

Now Available! ENGAGE 2023: The Company Culture Report

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About Author

Deborah Fulghum

As a Senior Talent Analyst/Engagement Specialist for The Center for Sales Strategy, Deborah helps companies identify top talent, develop natural strengths, and coach teams to utilize their talents for success. As someone addicted to positive cultures, she is also on the Up Your Culture team, where she coaches managers to improve employee engagement and elevate company culture.

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