You might have heard a lot about “employee wellness” recently. From the past couple of years, it’s not hard to understand why. From a storm of factors impacting the global economy to new generations joining the workforce, the topic has never been more relevant.
However, you might be wondering, what does employee wellness actually look like? How much do programs focusing on employee wellbeing affect the overall organization? And how do you go about kickstarting such an initiative within your own company?
While, at first glance, the term might seem like a nebulous concept that’s easy to talk about but tough to implement, that notion couldn’t be further from the truth.
After all, when considering how important employee wellness is to the health of an overall organization, most companies can’t afford not to have an employee wellness program.
Here are some ways in which a solid employee wellness program can contribute to a positive team culture.
Two of the chief ways in which an employee wellness program can be a boon to your company culture is the reinvigoration of everyone's engagement and commitment.
When employee’s well-being feels invested in the work, they perform every day, their own goals and the goals of the company often align. This sort of genuine engagement can lead to major wins for the entire organization.
And yes, these wins include positive effects on the bottom line, but that’s not all. The engagement resulting from an employee wellness program can produce an overall morale boost from which a straight line can be drawn to deeper commitment.
Think of it like a positive feedback loop. The more opportunities for well-being offered to employees, the greater the engagement. The greater the engagement, the deeper the commitment.
So, what does this look like?
Here are a few ideas:
Demonstrating that you care about the mental health of your employees is important. Actually, offering opportunities for team members to tend to their own mental health in a positive way is even more vital.
Consider this, 80% of employees say that the “root cause” of their stress stems from work.
That’s a staggering number. And while it might seem like an enormous responsibility at times, it’s the duty of employers to reduce that figure as much as possible.
After all, it’s in each organization’s best interests to ensure that their employees are in a good mental space. The better the mental health of each team member, the stronger the team becomes.
So, what does this look like?
Here are a few ideas:
No company culture became strong and vibrant without the development of genuine relationships.
While it may seem like everything mentioned above can contribute to solid relationship building (and they can), it’s also important to create spaces and opportunities for friendships at work to flourish.
Because, as you already know, while the work we do makes up a huge part of our lives and identities, it doesn’t define us. We are all living, breathing individuals with full lives worth sharing.
Getting to know your peers on a deeper level can be invaluable when it comes to strengthening the bonds that create a team.
And however “heady” all of this might sound, creating time for relationship building can be some of the simplest and most fun ways to invigorate a team.
So, what does this look like?
Here are some ideas:
Ensuring the health, well-being, and engagement of your employees is a fundamental part of maintaining a positive team culture. And with just a little planning and diligence, you’ll find that establishing an employee wellness program isn’t nearly as hard as it might sometimes seem. Odds are, once you’re on the other side of creating an employee wellness program of your very own, you’ll find it was well worth the effort.