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Company Culture and Employee Engagement Are NOT The Same

Company Culture and Employee Engagement Are NOT The Same
Company Culture and Employee Engagement Are NOT The Same

Company Culture and Employee Engagement Are NOT the Same

By now, you’ve heard all the buzz about company culture and employee engagement and you may wonder what the difference is between the two.

Company culture and employee engagement go hand in hand but are NOT the same thing. It's easy to assume they are though, as they are connected. If you have the right company culture in place, your employees will be more engaged in their roles and with your company’s purpose.

culture self-inventory checklistGetting each right is vital to your success. When your culture is strong and your employees are engaged, it leads to:

  • 5x times more revenue to your bottom line
  • 3x more likely to retain employees, reducing the cost of replacing people
  • Your company is targeted by 94% of job seekers as the place to work, which makes recruiting top talent so much easier

Let’s define both so these numbers start to make sense.

What is Company Culture?

The culture of your company defines HOW you do things there. It's the personality of your organization. It tells others what you are all about. It is the feeling that resonates through your walls, that atmosphere that breeds a sense of community and pride.

Every organization has a culture. The question is, is your company culture intentional? Is it the culture you aim and long for? Is it a culture you are proud to represent and be a part of?

The right company culture directly impacts your employee engagement. If your culture is positive, your employee engagement will be higher, leading your company to have increased performance and greater customer satisfaction.

How do you begin to develop the right culture for your company?

  • Create a mission and purpose – what is your reason for being?
  • Develop Core Values that represent WHO you are for everyone to see. Make sure you are living by these words daily. They can’t just be words on a wall but actionable words that employees witness their leaders living by all the time.
  • Recognize and celebrate those that live out your core values and embody your company’s vision the way you hope others will. This allows everyone to understand how important your purpose is.

What is Employee Engagement?

We define employee engagement as the emotional commitment and a willingness to give your best at work.

Strong employee engagement doesn’t mean your employees will feel happy all the time. But it does increase the overall level of happiness and the morale of your team.

If employees are engaged, they feel as though they have a stake in the game and a sense of purpose. This allows them to want to give their best at work. When they know what they are playing for and understand how they play a part, they are willing to put in the effort to achieve success.

When your employees are engaged, you will see:

  • Less absenteeism
  • Increased productivity
  • Less turnover
  • Higher quality work
  • Greater client satisfaction
  • Impactful financial gains

Knowing how important your employees’ engagement is, how do you begin to engage your employees in your company’s vision and core values?

  • Take time to listen to each person, making them the center of your attention. What are their career goals? What drove them to want to work for your company? What ideas do they have to help your company grow?
  • Uncover areas where they can develop and grow. Those that feel their company wants to make them better are willing to give more to that company.
  • Do what you say you will do. Trust is the foundation of everything you do. Keep your promises, be as transparent as you can be, while remaining humble and true to your word.

The intentional culture you create has a powerful impact on your employee’s engagement. When you have a clearly defined culture, you will attract those that think the same way you do. When they understand what is at stake and how they can influence positive changes while developing their talents, their engagement level in their role will elevate.

Remember to get your culture right first. Once you get that right, work toward an engagement that will drive your company to new heights.

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About Author

Deborah Fulghum

As a Senior Talent Analyst for The Center for Sales Strategy, Deborah helps companies identify top talent, develop natural strengths, and coach teams to utilize their talents for success. As someone addicted to positive cultures, she is also on the Up Your Culture team, where she coaches managers to improve employee engagement and elevate company culture.

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