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7 Power Skills That Help You Lead Through Change

7 Power Skills That Help You Lead Through Change
7 Power Skills That Help You Lead Through Change

lead sales team through changeWorkforce agility is necessary for any company to adapt to a rapidly-changing environment, and it’s safe to say that many companies today are operating in rapidly changing environments. As a leader, are you prepared to embrace and manage change without a reduction in performance?

If you are, then you likely have a strong culture of engagement and the seven essential power skills needed for success. However, if you are questioning whether or not you are on the right track to best manage and profit from change, I encourage you to read on.

Building a culture of engagement is a process that requires a commitment to transparency, integrity, and the desire to develop and grow your people. It also requires you as a leader to master the use of soft skills and hard skills at the same time. Soft skills are the innate ability or talent and hard skills include experience and expertise. Together, they are power skills.

The Seven Power Skills That Help You Lead Through Change

There are seven power skills that build off of each other, and when you can use all seven power skills, you can feel confident you will be prepared to weather storms that may come your way. Test yourself by answering "Yes" or "No" to the statements below:

1. Power Skill: Problem-Solver

You see change as an opportunity verses a hinderance and use data and other resources available to you to think through a number of different, potential solutions.

2. Power Skill: Decision-Making

You can anticipate various scenarios based on a solution you choose to implement. When asked to help make quick decisions, your gut leads you in the right direction.

3. Power Skill: Judgement

More times than not, you make the right decision.

4. Power Skill: Communication

People seek your advice often because you motivate and help people take action.

5. Power Skill: Self Management

You keep your cool in tough situations, even when you are caught by surprise and can maintain transparency when communicating with others involved in the tough situation.

6. Power Skill: Collaboration

You can easily identify the strengths each person on your team brings to the table and you make each person feel valued for what they contribute to the team and the company.

7. Power Skill: Vision

You and your team live and breathe your company’s employer value proposition and mission statement every day.

If you answered "Yes" to every statement above then you have all seven power skills that can help lead your team and achieve workplace agility and a culture of engagement! However, if you were not able to confirm all seven statements as true, not all is lost!

The fact you read this far illustrates you have a desire to improve your power skills and lead your team through change. Combine that desire with commitment, and then create a plan to improve yourself in areas you struggle. Doing so now will help you work towards creating workforce agility and a culture of engagement that will help you and your company succeed for years to come.engagement elevators ebook

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